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Page history last edited by Jenn Cirino 12 years, 8 months ago


ITL Steering Committee Meeting
February 16, 2012


1.) Welcome (1:45 – 1:55)

2.) Project Shares from Our Colleagues… (1:55 – 2:40)

Examples of different methods/projects for developing Contemporary Literacies

  1. QR Codes in the Classroom – Christine Theiss, 5th Gr Teacher, GFS
  2. Self Directed Learners – Rita Hennessey, LMS, BMS
  3. iPad Pilot - Dan Geraghty, English Teacher & SHS ITL Chair, SHS

3.) ITL Connection with Westport Initiatives (2:40 – 2:50)

Peter Alfano, CMS ITL Co-Chair & 7th Gr Science Teacher - the connection between Westport 2025, Making Thinking Visible, and ITL

  • think about how it connects to what you already know
  • think about how it pushes you to think in New Directions
  • be aware of new challenges & puzzles that may surface as a result of what you hear

4.) School ITL Committee Updates (2:50 – 3:15)

Connect-Extend-Challenge (Making Thinking Visible Routine)

  • Take note of how what you've experienced connects w/ ideas that you have already explored or thought about
    • Connect: "How do the ideas and information you've just heard connect to ideas you already thought about or knew?"
    • Extend: "How has your thinking been extended in some way, taking it in new or further or deeper directions?"
    • Challenge: "What challenges or puzzles have come up in your mind about this topic now that you've been presented with these new ideas and information?"

5.) Atomic Learning (3:15 – 3:40)

District Resource for personalized training and PD for teachers, staff, students, and parents.

6.) Wrap-Up (3:40 – 3:45)


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